Port Gravina – Prince William Sound Quarry
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Alaska Earth Sciences (AES) was contracted by Chugach Alaska Corporation to evaluate their lands for potential hard rock quarry sites. The initial assessment of three sites included aerial LiDAR survey and desktop analysis where surface geology and structures were interpreted. The desktop analysis was followed up with field visits to map and sample rock exposures. Port Gravina (between Valdez and Cordova in Prince William Sound) was selected as the most favorable site for additional exploration and potential development. At Port Gravina AES conducted test blasts, core drilling, near shore auger drilling of marine sediments, and conceptual mine and infrastructure planning. Most recently, AES has provided onsite owner representation for Chugach Alaska Corp. and construction management for uplands and marine development/construction projects at Port Gravina-Prince William Sound Quarry.
Photo: Andy Angel at Gravina site assessment, Aug 2013, photo by Varina Zinno